Thursday 13 March 2014

A week since Diagnosis

Hey so it's a week since my Melanoma stage 1B am I feeling? Well I'm ok honestly given the circumstances I'm coping better than I thought.  I am having ups and downs and going through a crazy mixture of emotions but that's normal right?

All my friends and family know now and it's true what they say at difficult times of your life you really realise who is there for you. To be honest know ones let me down so far I'm very lucky everyone's been 100% supportive and a couple of friends and family members have really stepped up and been texting me everyday which is really reassuring. My mum is my rock she went through this herself and she's proud I'm coping. 

Iv seen my cousin for cocktails, had lunch with my Aunty, met one of my friends Tuesday night, went for dinner last night and Saturday I'm seeing more friends. Keeping busy has taken my mind off it. 

I'm suffering with insomnia :( I'm getting 4 hours sleep a night which I suppose is due to the worry and stress at the back of my mind. 

I also got a copy letter from my consultant referring me to a London Hospital to a dermatologist explaining my diagnosis and advising them of all the procedure I already had and what treatment is needed next. So one more week till I see the consultant and surgeon in London and I'll know my surgery date. When I saw my diagnosis in black and white it was like someone had punched me in the stomach. I felt in denial and folded up the letter and went to meet my friend. I carry on as normal then it hits me and I feel sick and upset! 

Knowone knows what it's like until it happens to you 

Signing out for now love Nikki xxx

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