Thursday 6 March 2014

25 With Melanoma

Hey I'm Nikki I'm 25 years old. This photo was taken just a week after I had a mole on my right side removed. Little did I know that not long after I would find out some news that would change my life forever. Here's my story. 

My mum had Melanoma 14 years ago and lucky for her it never spread and shes 14 years cleared. So I am very aware of any moles I have on my body, and I have had a couple removed before which have been fine. 

However 3 months ago I was out with my friends I came home and thought I had been bitten as a mole I barely notice just under my bra was itching! I kept an eye on it but quickly decided that it had changed and was itching and crusty! With advice from my mum I went straight to my GP. She referred me to a dermatologist who treated my mum agreed that the mole should be removed. I don't know why but my gut told me something wasn't right this time. I remained positive right up until the results. Here's a photo of 2 days after it was removed 

Yesterday I was diagnosed with stage 1 Melanoma. I have rarely sunbathed and never been on a sunbed due to my mum and was advised its probably genetics. I'm heartbroken mainly for my family for having to go through this all again after my mum....and also for my friends I'm lucky I have a few close friends and an amazing family I know that will stand by me. 

Now I'm awaiting an appointment with a consultant in London's Guys Hospital to see them and discuss the procedure and be examined again! Then I'll have the operation to check my lymph nodes and also remove further area from the mole. 

Dispite already going through this with my mum who has lived with this for 14 years. Nothing can prepare you for the shock of when it happens to you! I didn't sleep all of last night but I will remain positive! I won't let this beat me!! 

I used to blog years ago and I wanted to blog my journey and feelings about Melanoma and hope people read it and it increases awareness! Or if your going through the same things please comment and get in touch! 

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